
Join our team!

Care Connections and Education is a Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) under Oregon’s Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC). Care Connections & Education serves early learning professionals and programs in Douglas, Klamath and Lake counties. The Douglas Education Service District is our backbone agency which supports and houses the CCR&R grant and employs all CCR&R staff. The Douglas ESD has a Best Place for Working Parents designation and is a sought after employer offering desirable wages and benefits. There are Care Connections & Education offices in Roseburg and Klamath Falls that provide services across our region.

Substantial state and federal gains have been made in the field of early learning care and our team continues to expand to meet the growing need to build the supply of care and ensure continuous quality improvement of care offered in our communities.

Take a look at our “Meet Our Team” page to learn a little more about our team make up and scroll down here for current job openings at Care Connections & Education.

Douglas County

No job postings at this time. Please check back later.

Klamath & Lake County

No job postings at this time. Please check back later.